Individually hand-painted, factory-tuned, and tank-tested, the Dagger is ideal for shallow or moving water. Offering a tight, erratic, side-to-side wobble with a wide and wandering tail kick finish that seals the deal with hungry fish. Multiple ball bearings move freely inside, adding weight for increased casting range, and creating a loud rattle that rings like a dinner bell. A versatile bait, the Dagger can be trolled, utilized as a Jerkbait/Twitchbait, or Topwater bait.
Can be trolled or presented as a Jerkbait.
Includes Razorback.
Includes Internal Rattle.
Available in 3 different sizes.
Available in 24 different colors.
Target Species:

Pro Tip
The Dagger is extremely versatile and can be presented in several ways. Consider one of the following on your next outing:
Trolling: Three-way rig.
Trolling: Bottom bouncers.
Casting: Surface Bait / Topwater or Twitchbait.
Casting: Weighted with a split shot to achieve different depths.